Ivy Linn ANDERSON was born Garrard Co. Kentucky, 3-22-1887.
Ivy died Big Spring, TX 4-23-1973 at the age of 86. She is buried
at Mount Olive Cemetery, Big Spring, Texas. Ivy was the daughter
of John Henry ANDERSON and Mattie
She married Thomas Frances "Frank"
HODNETT on 2-17-1909. Frank was born 5-25-1883 and died 6-8-1948
at the age of 64 years. Ivy and Frank were ranching in Monahans,
TX, then moved to Midway, TX to try farming, before finally settling
on 640 acres of farm and ranch land at Knott, TX 18 miles northwest
of Big Spring, TX. Frank was also a county commissioner for Howard
County. Ivy and Frank are buried beside each other in Mount Olive
Memorial Park Cemetery in Big Spring, TX along with their second
son Ewell Willis Hodnett.

Ivy Lynn and husband "Frank" Hodnett
Wedding Photograph
Photo: Robbie Champion

Ewell, Ivy, Merle, Frank, Bonnie Ruth and Grady front
Photo: Robbie Champion
Ivy and Frank HODNETT had the following children:
- Merle HODNETT was born Monahans, Texas 10-23-1909.
Merle died 2-15-1976 in Big Spring, Texas. He married Nadine
L. HAYNES 11-24-1932.
- Ewell Willis HODNETT was born Midway, Texas 7-15-1913
Ewell died December 12, 1961 at Carlsbad Caverns National
Park where he work as the General manager of the Cavern Supply
Co, the concessioner of the park. He married Frances Willis
2-14-1936. (Information: son Frank W. Hodnett)
- Bonnie Ruth HODNETT was born Midway, Texas 8-24-1915.
She married Robert Wilson Brown 12-15-1936 and they
lived in Knott, Texas. Robert died 2-8-1971.
- Grady Lynn HODNETT was born in Knot, Texas 6-18-1919.
Grady died 8-24-1982. Grady married (1)Wanetta Brooks
and (2)Melva Ray Chapman 6-21-1946.